Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quilt Finishes 2013

Well, it has been a l-o-n-g and busy year for me personally so my quilt production was a little low but I am always happy to go back and see what my quilting year looked like.  These are all the quilts that I finished--as in quilted and bound and ready to go.  I have several tops that I finished this year that are waiting their turn but I guess they will make it into the 2014 group.

I had a few personal quilts that I finished but the majority of the quilts were for Margaret's Hope Chest and have already found their new home. 
I hope you have had a quilting year that you can look back on with a smile!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Finish It Up Friday--A Quilt for Clara

I have five children.  Three of those children have completed quilts.  Two of those children have quilts that are 'in process'. This week I finished piecing Clara's quilt. I have had this fabric for well over a year but I could not decide on a pattern for the quilt.  I needed blocks that were big enough to showcase the matryoshka doll fabric.  I finally settled on this kaleidoscope block and am quite pleased with the finished product. It will be quilted by a professional :) and then it will finally be placed on her bed. 

 I am linking up to Amanda Jean's Finish it Up Friday.