Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Recap--Margaret's Hope Chest 2015

Hello faithful blog readers!  I am back.....again.....again.  Let's just say last year got away from me in the blogging department.  So much I wish I had taken the time to share.  Believe it or not, even though I was silent most of the year here, God's mission through us continued to grow and flourish.  I think that is a sign of something--I am not sure what exactly but it definitely points towards God's faithfulness and love for His children who are hurting in this world. 
So, today I wanted to recap what Margaret's Hope Chest did as far as quilt giving from November 2014-December 2015:

2 quilts were donated for fundraising auctions.
7 quilts were given to people who found themselves without a permanent home.
7 quilts were given to Pregnancy Resource Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
8 quilts were given to the Veterans Home in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
8 quilts were given to people grieving a loss in their life.
8 quilts were given to individuals getting treatment for cancer.
10 quilts were given to In The Image in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
12 heart-themed quilts were gifted to Mitchell's Journey and distributed to kids with heart disease.
16 quilts found a new home in Matamoros, Mexico.
22 baby quilts were given to the Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan for families who      welcomed a child with Down Syndrome into their family.
23 quilts traveled to Guatemala for children in an orphanage.
45 quilts were given to men, women and children who had a family member in prison.
99 quilts were given to the postpartum depression mother-baby program at Pine Rest in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

In 2015 we gave the gift of HOPE and comfort to 267 individuals!

Over the past 8 years we have given a gift of HOPE and comfort to 2,397 individuals.  Praise God.

I want to come back later this week and share about some other things that happened in 2015 at Margaret's Hope Chest and what we are working on for 2016.