Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Little Favor From My Quilting Friends

I wonder if you might be willing to do a little favor for me......

My oldest daughter Anne entered a video contest for American Girl.  She is a finalist--which is so very exciting for our whole family.  Out of over 500 videos, her video called "Sewing for Others" is one of the 6 finalists!  What you need to know about Anne is that she is the sweetest, most giving, and generous 11 year olds I have ever met.
 I wondered if my sewing friends would support my junior sewer by voting for her video to win the grand prize. 
Here is the link to the videos--her's is AnneV titled 'Sewing for Others'.  Thanks in advance!!

My sweet daughter Anne

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Project Hope--Fun in the Middle Blocks--LAST CALL!!

Project Hope 2012 is winding down.  These are the last few days to make some 'Fun in the Middle' blocks and send them in.  Here are the details on this fun and easy block!  Deadline is November 15th (but really if you are a few days later than that it's fine.)

I have received some great blocks so far and I am looking forward to putting them all together!
Just for peace of mind I have received packages from the following people (keep in mind that mail to my address can take up to 3 weeks to get to me--and Hurricane Sandy DID NOT speed things up in this department):

Gloria, Betty, Maureen, Lynn, Sandra, Norece, Cinda, a package from Galena, KS, and from Katy, TX.
Big thank you to these ladies!  Would be nice to have a few more for variety sake but we always take what the Lord provides through our volunteers!!