Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May Giveaway-MHC style!

UPDATE: 6pm Sunday EST-This give-away is now closed. Thanks to all of those who entered. WOW is all I can say. I will have the official pick tonight with the help of my kids! Can't wait to see who will be blessed! Look for us again next time!

There are so many inspirational sewing blogs out there...too many to follow really, but Sew, Mama, Sew is one I try to keep up on (probably because the title appeals to me!). After catching up on a week or two of her blogs I feel inspired to keep on sewing, creating and experimenting in different areas. So, we at Margaret's Hope Chest are joining Sew, Mama, Sew in her May Giveaway ( http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=805 )-but in true MHC fashion we are putting our own little twist in it. Interested??? Read on....
Our mission at Margaret's Hope Chest is to give quilts to individuals and families who are experiencing seemingly hopeless situations. Do you know anyone RIGHT NOW who could use a gift of HOPE? We would love to help you serve someone around you by giving them this quilt.


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It is waiting to be "won" by someone who comments and tells us a little about who they would like us to give this quilt to. I will pick one commenter randomly. Please leave an e-mail contact so I can get an address to send the quilt to. We can ship anywhere in Canada or the U.S.
I am looking forward to giving this lovely quilt to someone who could really use it! Thanks for reading, if you are interested in more about Margaret's Hope Chest, check out our blog www.margaretshopechest.com


  1. yay! I am the first to comment! I have a quilt fetish!!! The more the better! ...plus I love those fabrics! :)

  2. That quilt is beautiful! I am a advocate of Children's Miracle Network and would love to give it to a child in one of my local hospitals!



  3. I have an elderly friend who lost her husband a number of years ago and then lost her Mom (who lived with her) last year. This little lady is always working to help others, she volunteers in a genealogy library and is now taking care of her alchoholic son. She is constantly giving of herself and I admire her greatly. She exemplifies selfless service! She has survived open heart surgery and has recently had a setback with her heart. This quilt would be so wonderful for her to snuggle up with - so she could feel the love of others - so she could be cared for - for once!
    Thanks so much for this chance to spread a little warmth!!

  4. I love to support our local Newborns in Need chapter and they always need small quilts for the preemies at the hospital. It would bring a smile to some parents faces to see this cute quilt wrapped around their little one. Thanks for the chance!!!

  5. I would give this quilt to my mom. She is terminally ill, and I think little by little she is losing all hope. She doesn't smile or joke like she used to. She has a rare heart disease, which she's had since she was 18. It's been manageable until about 3 years ago. Since then she's been hospitialized for heart failure 8 times. She's only 47. 3 years aso the doctor's told her she's have 6 months to a year to live. She's held on and surprised everyone. But now it's like she doesn't want to hold on anymore. Hre doctor said that as her hope deteriorates, so does her health.

    She used to quilt until she got sick, I think this will bring a smile to her face.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. This quilt is beautiful. I love the idea of giving this to someone who needs some hope.

    My friend's mother has been dealing with chronic pain issues for the past couple of years. She hasn't be able to find relief even with multiple surgeries.

    She has been a second mother to me. She was always so full life. This pain has extinguished that light. I would love to give her this quilt so that she may wrap herself in hope and love.

  7. How pretty, I would love to give this to my mom, my Grandma recently passed away and I think she would love this to boost her spirits.


  8. I do know someone I could give this to! She is like a grandmother to me. Actually, I am closer to her than I am to any of my grandparents. And her husband is not doing well at all. They are older and both suffer from various medical conditions, but he just had to go in for a Catscan last week and we are waiting on the results. It looks like there is something causing problems with headaches and severe cranial pain. If it is one option, they can do surgery, if not...there isn't anything they can do for him. I would love to bless them with this quilt as a gift! I know they would LOVE it!

  9. I think of many ways to help by using this quilt. I could give it to my sister, a cancer survivor at 36, who is struggling as a single mother but I think it may serve the cancer society better if put on tickets to raise money for a place being built in our area that provide families of those stricken with cancer a place to stay while their loved ones receive treatment. If you do not wish it to go on tickets, I would give it to my sister, to brighten her day.

  10. In my community, we are creating quilts for a local women's shelter that is moving into a new building. I am going to do my first quilt for this effort. I would share this one with them. :-) Thanks for your generosity.

  11. My father's best friend has been fighting cancer for several months now. He finds out today if his chemo has been effective. While growing up I watched him to so much for our little community with my dad. He was also a nurse and is a retired vet. It would be nice to see him receive something.

  12. this is so pretty!

    my mom volunteers at our local crisis pregnancy center . . . i'd give it to her to pass on to a mama in need.

    or after reading laurie's comment - i have a little neighbor lady who just moved into a care center. maybe i would pass it on to her.

    visit me at bitsofsunshine.typepad.com

  13. That quilt is gorgeous! I don't have anyone specific who would be in need of a hope quilt right now, but there are a couple of different groups that I think could use it. I lived for awhile in a shelter for abused women and children and would love to give your quilt to one here in Toronto so that it could be given to another women and her child/children so that they know they are thought of and cared for.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  14. I have a friend who is 26 years old, and she was diagnosed with Blue Cell Cancer last year. She has a little boy who is about 3(she is not a close friend, so i am not sure exact age), and the "survival" rate for blue cell cancer is less that 5% live for 5 years. She is undergoing chemo and radiation constantly, just in a hope to give her more time. She is a lovely person, used to date my husband, and is my mother-in-law's best friend's niece. (If you caught all of that) I am not sure how she would feel about getting a quilt, but to me loving support in any form is amazing.

  15. I have a friend who is a mom to 5, and her marriage recently ended. She loves quilting, and I think this would make her feel loved.

  16. I would love to give this quilt to my new baby niece who is expected at the end of the summer. It'll probably be her first quilt. :-)

  17. wow! beautiful! i would love to give this to my friend (who is also the mother of my daughters best friend) who just lost her husband recently.

  18. I would suggest donating it to Project Linus, if they are active in your area. We have a very committed group working with them up here, but when I was in CA, I could never get them to respond to my offers of help.
    I love the way you are doing this giveaway! Thank you for being so generous.

  19. Oh, I'd love to give this to my mother! She'd love this fine quilt!

  20. what a wonderful idea! i visit a girl that is due next month with her first child and her husband just lost his job. she is in need of baby items, she would LOVE this quilt i'm sure.

    thanks so much,
    xo sas

  21. What a most generous way to do your giveaway. My daughter's friend just lost her Mom to cancer. A quilt would be such a comforting gift. Thanks for your spirit of generosity.

  22. Beautiful quilt and I love the sentiment behind it.
    I would like to nominate a little girl named Brooke Mulford, she is 4 y/o and was diagnosed in January with stage 4 Neuroblastoma. I know she has some special blankets already and so depending on her mothers wishes either Brooke would get it or we would raffle it in order to raise money for the Brooke Mulford foundation www.Brookemulford.com

    Failing that I would like to see it given to your 5th poster Heidi... I don't know her, but her post just touched me.

    Thanks so much for all you do.

  23. I would love to win this for my MIL. She would adore this as a lap quilt. She's had a really hard time over the last few months, and I think that this would make a lovely gift for her.

  24. We adopted our teenage daughter last fall. She came to us with basically no belongings. This would be a fabulous gift for her to keep as she becomes a young adult. What a fabulous give away.

  25. I'd love to give it to my mom. She is so sick and naps through the day. I'd like to wrap her in some hope.

  26. I would like to give it to my sister who is raising her husbands grandaughter whose mother was killed when she was 2. My sister has been raising her since then and has been having some problems with her lately.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. I would give this lovely quilt to my MIL. She recently lost one of her sons (my husband) and is having a tough time with it all.

  28. I would love to give that to my sister-in-law, for a variety of reasons...here are a few of them: she and my brother-in-law just found out they were pregnant. They were ecstatic! Then a few days later my SIL had to rush to the hospital for emergency gallbladder surgery. While in surgery, she found out she was pregnant with twins. YAHOO! Then she contracted pancreatitis from complications. Due to matters beyond her control, she lost the babies. It's been a really tough month for her, and I would love to give her a blanket to wrap herself in warmth and love. Thank you!

  29. I'd give this gorgeous quilt to my aunt and uncle. They've gone through a lot of hardships in the last 10 years but through it all they've had each other and continue to give everything to their family or anyone in need. I know they'd love this quilt. If selected, I'd like to add a quote or bible verse to remind them of their wonderful, compassionate hearts and the blessings God has/will give them.

  30. I have a relative that is going to go into a rehabilitation center for awhile and this would be such a comfort to her.



  31. I would give this to my sister who lives states away from me. Her husband lost his job some time ago and my sweet sis is in need of some extra lovin' right now during this difficult time.

  32. I would love to give this quilt to my sister. She's getting married in June and is starting her own home. t

  33. Wow, the quilt is beautiful! I would love to gift it to one of the moms I have made friends with on a message board for people who have experienced pregnancy and birth losses. So many have had stillbirths and are looking for hope that they will have another baby some day. Maybe the quilt would help.

  34. My son was born 3 months premature, and spent significant time in the NICU. I would give this quilt to a new momma in the NICU. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

  35. We have a family friend who is in the last stages of cancer and has a rough time lately. We would love to give her a bit of comfort.

  36. I would give this to my grandmother who is in the last stages of alzheimers....she is going backwards, as in she is mostly like a child now and sleeps...I would give this to her to cuddle up with...she does not know who anyone is anymore...and who doesn't love a nice quilt to wrap up in...

  37. I would give this to my sister. She recently had a miscarriage. Her husband and her are having financial issues. They are always trying to help other people and often put their own needs on the back burner. I would love to give this to them as a "Thank You". Who knows, she might find someone who needs it more than her.

    Thanks for doing the giveaway.

    Cassie Driver

  38. Oh my goodness! What a generous giveaway!! you inspire me with your talent!! I would give this quilt to my baby siter who is having a baby of her own!!

  39. I don't have someone to give it to right now, so don't pick me. I just wanted you to know I love your blog. So inspiring!

  40. Thank you for participating in the giveaway in such a generous way!!!

    Several of my friends work with the Preemptive Love Coalition (http://preemptivelove.org) where they provide heart surgeries for children in Northern Iraq. These kids will die unless they can leave the country and go to a place where they can have surgery. There is no place for these surgeries in Iraq.

    When the kids leave with their parents for the surgery, it's a frightening time. They are going to a new country where they don't speak the language. They'll have to have surgery and they know it might not work. Preemptive Love Coalition likes to give these children special blankets or quilts to have and help them through the process.

    So far they've given about 30 kids a new chance at life! I'd love to give this quilt to one child going for life-saving surgery.

    lalestyleshop (at) gmail dot com

  41. Beautiful quilt! I think my grandmother would enjoy it. She is an artist who used to quilt until she lost most of her site. She still loves to talk about quilting though!

  42. I would give it to a friend of mine at work who lost her husband a few months back. I have been meaning to make her one but have not had the time. I would give it to her it I were to win it. Thank you for the chance to win it! The site is fabulous and now bookmarked.

  43. What a sweet quilt.


  44. My friend David's mother, a seamstress herself, is currently fighting breast cancer. Her son is feeling hopeless and angry. If you happen across this comment please keep them in your prayers. Her name is Laura.

    I'm sure she would love a nice quilt that was made with such care to cover her lap during chemo treatments.

    What a great twist on this giveaway. Thank you.

  45. I have a friend just diagnosed with Parkinson's and this would lift her spirits.

  46. I have a friend whose 5 year old daughter came down with a yet undiagnosed illness/disability and it has been really tough on the whole family for more than a year now. I think this would be a nice gift for them. Thank you for such a sweet giveaway. :)

  47. Oh my goodness! What a generous giveaway! I would give this quilt to my grandfather, who is spending more time in the hospital these days than out of it. His health is failing and he hasn't been the same since my grandmother died.

  48. ok, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I'm selfish I I want to give this quilt to me because I love me some quilts, I don't own many and you've picked colors/prints that I would choose for myself.

    Sorry, I'm all about giving to charity and I've done my fair share (not there is ever enough). I just really REALLY want this :)

    love, marie

  49. I would like to give that to a friend of mine who just lost a child. It's hard to find warmth at a time like that (been there myself) so something to let her know she's loved would mean so much to her I'm sure.

  50. I would give the quilt to my best friend's son who has just recently started another round of chemotherapy for his brain tumor that is growing. He has a hard time regulating his body temperature, and needs cozy things to wrap up in!

  51. Oh quilts are love aren't they?
    My mom lost my dad to Lou Gehrig's Disease just over a year ago.
    They had moved to the U.S. for my mom's job and now she is alone there as the rest of the fam is in Canada.
    She needs a bit of hope in these hard times.
    thankyou for my chance at giving that to her.

  52. I love the quilt! Thanks for the great giveaway. When I read your mission, my first thought was of a dear friend that lives in my neighborhood. She has two young children (3 and 18 months). She just miscarried, her family is facing forclosure, her husband's job is currently none existent, and their house is currently infected with fleas! My friend is having trouble digging out from all these problems. Each time she seems to get ahead, another problem hits. They are struggling and could use some encouragement. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  53. A close friend of my mom-in-law was diagnosed with brain caner a few weeks ago. Hope would be great.

    Thanks for doing this!


  54. What a wonderful and inspirational idea.
    I would be honored to win it. I would give it to my friend Andrea, who just had a miscarriage. I can't imagine the pain she is going through.

  55. I think I would give it to our good friends, who have a son in the NICU. She is a NICU nurse herself, and her husband is in school. They also have a 2 year old daughter. Her membranes ruptured at 18 weeks from an amnio and so the entire pregnancy was challenging enough. Trying to raise a 2 year old, who's not allowed into the NICU, and spend every other minute with your newborn(born at 33 weeks) and study for exams has been an even greater challenge, which they are facing with unbelievable strength and love. There is no time for anything else. I can't even imagine what they are going through, and I would love to be able to pass on this message of hope to their family. He is improving, slowly, but it's one step forward, two steps back at times. He's up to almost 5 pounds now! It would help me, too, to be able to do something for them, they've been our friends for years. Thanks for listening, and for such a generous giveaway!

  56. OMGosh! What a beautiful quilt and what generosity. I know there are probably lots of people who could use this quilt more than me, but it sure would brighten my day. I have 3 little ones and some days don't have any time to myself. I am also suffering from post-partum anxiety. This would make me so happy to see hanging over my couch in my living room!


  57. I would love to give the quilt to a teacher at my school who is having an extreamly difficult second pregnancy. She has been in the hospital for 3 weeks and has lost 15 pounds and cannot eat anything. They finally had to put in a feeding tube yesterday. This is a very difficult time for her and her family as they really want this baby and both she and the baby are not doing well. It would do much to lift her spirits and give her hope, we could even add a pocket for messages of hope from our facutly and staff.

  58. The only person who keeps popping up in my head is to give it to my mother who has encouraged and gave me hope all through the years and especially now during difficult times to remind her how much her love, hope,and joy has helped me.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. My boyfriends dad died very suddenly almost exactly one year ago, and his whole family is having a really hard time dealing with the anniversary, so I would give this to his little brother to make his day a little bit better.

  61. I would give the quilt to my friend who has just become a single mom. It would be perfect for her to cuddle her baby with.

  62. I would give this quilt to my daughter who hs 6 kids. She could snuggle herself up with it when the kids are in bed and just relax.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  63. Beautiful quilt! I would give it to a friend of mine who has three boys under 4, (she adopted one of them, with only 4 days notice, when she was 7 months pregnant with her 2nd child) and she has another baby on the way right now. Her husband lost his job, and she runs a day care but clients are leaving because of losing their own jobs. This quilt would be perfect for her and all her little kids to snuggle under :)

  64. I also would like to give the quilt to my mom - I think she'd love it and perhaps she and I can get together and get inspired with various sewing projects!

  65. I would give this quilt to some friends of mine who recently lost their newborn son after complications (he only lived a week, and during that time he was on machines). These friends have waited a long time to have a baby, then this happened. They used to be my next door neighbors and have since moved far away, so I haven't even been able to hug and comfort them like I would like. This quilt would be wonderful for them.
    (this is their blog: http://paulthefighter.blogspot.com)

    thanks for the kind giveaway!

  66. There is a life center in the town that I live close to that services to people who need counselling, whether it's pregnancy, post-abortion, marital or family, etc. I'm sure they know someone there that could use a pick-me-up from your beautiful quilt.

  67. This has to be the best giveaway in all the giveaways ever. Your quilt is lovely (I'm a quilter too) and shows how important color is to a simple design.
    We have a cancer center in our very small city in a country county. My mother was taken care of at that center. She used hand made blankets in chemo, and I would be honored to give your quilt to the center for other people to use.
    thank you,

  68. What a nice idea!

    I have a sister-in-law that is going through a really hard time right now, her husband(my brother) died 6 years ago. They have 2 kids. The last year she has really been suffering from depression, and nothing seems to be helping. I would love to give her the blanket to wrap up in and know that there are people out there that she doesn't even know that care about her.

    Thanks for the giveaway, if I am the lucky winner, you can contact me through my website www.radseams.com.

  69. I would give this quilt to my friend "Joy." She and her husband have been suffering with infertility for a long time. They recently found out that they are finally pregnant, but she is considered a high risk and they are quite nervous.

    That is who I would give it to.

  70. i would give this beautiful quilt to my father. we can all use some hope right now - he was diagnosed a week ago today with prostate cancer. in january, he had biopsy results for benign prostatic hyperplasia, but the new biopsies came back with multiple spots of cancer. on wednesday, he got the call that it's extremely agressive and the cancer cells will not respond to chemo and radiation is not an option.

    this could comfort him and give him hope during his surgeries and the next few months of being laid up in bed. he's 57 and young.

  71. I would love to give this to one of our girl scouts, who recently lost her grandmother and hasn't been able to attend meetings lately.

  72. Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks! I'd give it to my nephew - recently joined the army...

  73. Love the quilt. It needs to go to Mountain Baby Quilts.

  74. yes, I definitely know who I could send this to--a mama whose marriage is breaking up and who would love it to snuggle her baby in.

  75. I would like to give this quilt to my grandmother who LOVES quilts and anything handmade. It would be a good "lap quilt" for her as she will be in a wheel chair for a few months after surgery

  76. I love this twist... generous and new. If it came here I would be happy to give it to... oh dear this is not so easy... I do have a friend who I think of often and keep in my prayers. She has lost a husband, sister and father in law, all recently, all to cancer. She needs comfort and beauty, and your quilt would go a long way to helping there.
    Thank you for this new approach to the giveaway. Someone is going to be blessed.

  77. I would give this quilt to my friend who lost her sister and best friend to leukemia last week. Her mother is also undergoing chemotherapy right now and I think she needs a pick me up-this is such a cheery and beautiful quilt! Thank you!

  78. My friend @ work, S. is a 5 year BC survivor. Very tough and strong. But she's married to a jerk and going through a divorce. I'd love to wrap her up in a blanket of love.

  79. what an inspiring giveaway! I'd give this to my elderly neighbor, Miss Alice, as we call her. She used to quilt but can't do anything like that anymore because of pain and numbness in her joints and hands. She loves beautiful things and this would mean the world to her.

  80. This is a great giveaway! Great idea! Don't enter me, just wanted to comment on your generosity.

  81. I have an elderly friend who needs to move to an assisted care facility, but she is resistant. When she makes the move, a quilt like this one would be comforting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  82. What a BEAUTIFUL quilt!! I would give to my Church. We just built a new nursery and a quilt on the rocking chair would be lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!

  83. I bring blankets to the local children's ward. I bet they would love this one! Bless you for doing what you do. Please add my name to the drawing.

  84. my brother and his wife had their fourth child recently (four five and under!), and she was born following a placental abruption and what appears now to be prolonged oxygen deprivation in utero. she has a load of problems but is loved greatly by her three olders and is quite the little fighter. i would send the quilt to them, so she and her family would have someplace infused with love to surround them all the time. a lovely giveaway.

  85. Honestly I would give this to my daughter she has been wanting a quilt forever and I started making her one for her birth day 3 months ago and as it is my first I am lost and who knows when I'll be done so this one would tide her over and it's just so darn pretty she won't care how much of a mess mine is lol

  86. I would advocate this quilt going to the Madgelene House in Texas. I have never met any of the women and only saw a documentary about it. The women were recovering prostitutes and it is amazing what the organization does to help the women become independent and get better lives.

  87. I am truly blessed and not only don't need the quilt myself nor do I know anyone who needs this quilt. But what a great way to conduct a giveaway. Thank-you

  88. I just had a baby last week. I would give this to her. It is so lovely.

  89. I would love to give that to my grand son. He loves quilts

  90. the quilt is beautiful!! i would give this quilt to my grandmother, she has difficulty seeing and she was a quilter but i know she will appreciate this a lot.

  91. I wasn't planning on entering any contests today, but I was inspired by your unique giveaway. I have a close friend whose sister (age 18) battled Luekemia last year and after almost 6 months in the hospital was finally given a clean bill of health and allowed to return home. Unfortunately her days of health were short-lived as she just found out that the Luekemia has returned, and she now needs a bone marrow transplant. The hospital she has been sent to is in another province, making it difficult for her friends and family to surround her at this difficult time. I would love to send her the quilt as a reminder that our thoughts and prayers are with her as she battles this disease again.
    Thanks so much for such a "giving" give-away!

  92. I would give it to my mom. She suddenly has an empty nest and her grandbabies live far away from her, and I'd love her to have something so comforting around her. It is just beautiful.

  93. I am currently doing a "handmade" drive of bibs and blankets for a home for children in my area (see post here: http://mamasamess.blogspot.com/2009/05/drop-dead-deadline-for-bibs-blankets.html )

    I would love to be able to give your beautiful quilt to someone that truly needs one!

  94. I would love to give this quilt to a family in our church. There are so many in need, but there is one that is going through a ton of stuff right now and this would really boost there spirits. I know they would love to receive such a beautiful quilt!!

  95. I would love to win this and give it to a child at the school where I teach. He has recently undergone a liver transplant and has not recovered well. Thanks!

  96. There's a blog I follow: A Boy, A Girl and A Pug and she is battling skin cancer. She has to travel from her homestate of Kansas to Texas for treatment which means leaving her 2 little ones behind while she is fighting the fight of her life.

    If I were so lucky to win? I would give it to her. She is always sending people gifts for their child's birthday and I would love to thank her for her selflessness with this beautiful quilt.

    Here is her blog address: http://thesnydernews.blogspot.com.

    And here is my e-mail if I were so lucky to win it for her: leoandchelle@yahoo.com

    Thank you so much for your kind and generous giveaway!

  97. wow! What a beautiful quilt!!! I have a growing appreciate for quilts:)

  98. What a lovely way to do a giveaway! Very unique. I have a girlfriend who's hubby just passed away after battling several cancers. First was the esophagal cancer. He had his ups and downs and when the chemo was burning vital things around his heart they decided to forego treatments. He got better enough to eat again. Then this Christmas while visiting their children, he started more problems...ends up he had brain cancer. Again they skipped the chemo...they had a family gathering to say their goodbyes...how hard that must have been! I can't imagine. We were able to visit them late last fall, so saw him alive but radically changed from the man we knew years before. Her name is Pat. She too has been through cancer...breast cancer and just had knee replacement surgery when we were there last fall. Some people have so many cares in this world. But they were strong through it all; their faith sustaining them. God is good!

  99. Awesome giveaway! I won't it

    I am 8. I am learning to sew, and I have my own sewing blog.

    I am doing a giveaway too. My blog is www.sewingsister.blogspot.com

    My mom is also doing a giveaway. Her blog is www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com

  100. I would send it to my friend Hope (appropriate name, don't you think?) She and her husband have one daughter (3 yrs) and tried for over a year and a half for a second child. She finally found out she was pregnant and with 8 weeks to go, they learned that something is wrong. They are still undergoing tests to see what is going on, but as of now they really need a lot of hope. This quilt would be a nice gesture to show her my support. Thanks for the chance to win!

  101. Addicted to quilts myself, but I would definitely give this as a gift... hmmm, to whom?


  102. WOW WOW WOW that is awesome!! I would most likely give it to either my sons (who is addicted to blanket..as they are dragged all over the house) or my dad, who loves all those colors and loves to sleep snug on the couch!!!

  103. I would love to give this to my mother, who lost HER mother this week. I hope it would give her some comfort.

  104. I friend of mine was recently diagosed w/ cancera and I would love to give her this quilt.

    alittleteacher [at] gmail [dot] com

  105. I would love to auction this off at Relay for Life this July--I am on a team in honor of my aunt who passed from lung cancer a couple of years ago. I would love to raise money for cancer research! It's beautifuL!

  106. At first I thought, nope, I'm fortunate to not know anyone who would need...no, wait...a mom I know just gave birth to a miracle baby who will need LOTS of hope and prayers (along with her family) and maybe this beautiful quilt would help them remember how many people are pulling for them. So I'll enter with her in mind.

  107. my parents' recently had thier storage shed burn down. my brother had been storing all of his belongings inside the shed until he moves into his new house. we're grateful that everyone is safe, but the shed and everything inside is a total loss. i'm sure there are others who could use that quilt more, but it would be a wonderful suprise for my brother.

  108. Oh, what a great idea!

    I have a friend who is horribly ill- she blogs too, over at Screw Bronze!-- and can use any cheering-up she can get. I'd love to send her this, to use as a little comforter.:)

    Best giveaway idea ever!

  109. i would give this to my friend h. who has suffered 3 miscarriages and can't seem to get preggo! she alsojust lost her brother- in - law. so sad

  110. I can think of a few people who I'd like to give this to, but one in in particular is a woman who goes to my church. She has taken on the task of taking care of two little girls, one of whom is severely autistic and only about 3 years old. It's quite a struggle, and I'm sure they would love this beautiful quilt!

  111. I would love you to donate the quilt to "Women's Place of South Niagara". They have 2 local shelters for abused women and their children and they were a huge help to us 6 years ago. They will see to it that the right person receives some hope.

  112. This Quilt is simply lovely! I would love it for my Grandmother who is in a nursing home and she sits most of her time in her wheel chair and I would love to give this to her for her lap blanket. She had a stroke about 3 years ago so she can bearly talk and I know this would make her smile!

    Thank you for your sweetness and have a lovely Sunday!

    heartnmaui at gmail dot com

  113. I would love to give it to my aunt who has survived breast cancer not once, but twice.
