Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Pile is Growing Again!

With the final 'Wrapped in Hope' prison giveaway less than two weeks away, our pile of donated quilts is growing daily!!  I had a chance to visit the quilts this weekend--and take a few pictures of course!
In the last two days, we have received several more packages--once again, we are amazed and excited to have the support from quilters around the country! 
**UPDATE** I just finished my daily phone call with my mom :) and I wanted to tell you that over the past 2 days we have received 66 quilts!!!! 18 by mail and 48 from various members of the West Michigan Quilters Guild.  WOW!  Thank-you so much everyone!!  

A surprise donation from a friend from church here in Toronto.
My mom and I are happiest when surrounded by a pile of kid-themed quilts!


1 comment:

  1. I love piles of quilts when they are destined for kids! Can't wait to see them wrapped around smiling faces.
