Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Thank You to All Of Our Wrapped In Hope Quilters

As I have mentioned in the past, sometimes we get thank you's for quilts received and sometimes we don't.  As a person who frequently forgets to say thank you I know that just because a quilter wasn't formally thanked for a quilt doesn't mean it wasn't appreciated.  
All of our 'Wrapped in Hope' families are in the middle of a crisis.  There is turmoil in the house, expenses are high and incomes may be lower because at least one parent is in prison.
A thank you note may be one of those things that keeps getting forgotten.
Please don't let this discourage YOU from serving these families.
I received this thank you note last week--it is for one of Margaret's Hope Chest's faithful volunteers Shirley.
Shirley has made dozens of quilts for children in the 'Wrapped in Hope' program
and I think she has only gotten 1-2 thank you's back.
But she never lets that stop her from helping more and more
She does it for the kids (I assume)
and because she believes is what we are doing (I think :))
My point is, I think the grateful mother who penned this thank you captured what each family would say if they had a chance.
So thank you to ALL of our 'Wrapped in Hope' volunteers!
Your work is amazing and it is touching other people's lives.
My grandma would have loved that.
 (by the way, the pictures have nothing to do with the post--I just was taking pictures of my half square triangles today and I thought you might enjoy the colors like I did!)
"I just wanted to let you know that Reagan LOVED her quilt. 

Please know that the kindness that you bestow upon a little child is a great gift.  Her eyes lit up when I told her that the quilt was from Daddy; she just hopped around clutching it and dancing with it.  It was a precious moment - one that your group gave my daughter without any limitations or expectations.  I am sure that this moment is relived in every home that a child receives such a quilt gift.

I just thought you'd want to know how much Reagan loved her quilt. Perhaps one day I can give back as your group has."


  1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful note. You are so right, I'm sure no one is doing it for the thank yous.

  2. The note brought tears to my is so precious! I can't wait to send my quilts off in a few months...I would love to be able to see the expression on each child's face. I want my quilts to remind them that they are loved by their absent parent.
