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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some Business

A few items of business for the Wrapped In Hope Program participants....

1. There is now a Flickr Group where all quilt makers can go and post pictures of the quilts they have made for their birthday boy or girl.

2. I have a new group of 12 quilters who have signed up to make a quilt. I am just organizing my information and then I will be e-mailing those ladies with the available birthdays.

3. Very soon, we will have an influx of children from VERMONT! I have found a great pastor and his wife who are working with a woman's prison. We will start by offering this program to about 40 women and see how everything goes. If you have contact with someone who works with prisoners and might want to work with us--please email me.

4. I am getting some great feedback from the families of prisoners--they are all very grateful for this gift--hope to share some words of thanks from them soon!


Georgia said...

I'm so happy to hear that there will be children from Vermont as I am in Vermont too!

I bought the fabric for my child's quilt today. I can't wait to get started.

deebriese said...
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deebriese said...

I would like to make a quilt. Denise in florida.
Please let me know what I need to do.

Katie said...

Carin, can I do the one for June 17? [17-A boy from PA will be 8! AVAILABLE (science, technology, computers)] That is my anniversary and should give me enough time to finish. Plus, Luke can help me pick out some fabric.